Importing VOMS information into IAM

The VOMS importer script

For VOs that already use VOMS to manage their organization, a script is available to synchronize one-way their VOMS instance with their IAM instance.

The VOMS information that is synchronized includes:

  • VOMS Groups
  • VOMS Roles
  • VOMS Users
    • Personal information
    • X.509 certificates
    • Group and role membership
    • Generic attributes

The script needs admininistrative privileges on both VOMS and IAM, represented respectively by a VOMS proxy and an IAM access token.

A typical run is as follows:

export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/grid-security/certificates
export BEARER_TOKEN=...
export X509_USER_PROXY=...
python --vo test.vo --voms-host --iam-host

The script can be run with many different options. python --help gives all the details.

The script is currently deployed only for LHC VOs and includes some CERN specificities, but it is general enough that can be easily adapted to other situations.

Migration of groups and roles

Both IAM and VOMS support the concepts of group and role.

Groups are very similar in both contexts. They differ slightly in the representation: a VOMS group has the form /<group>/<subgroup>/..., whereas a IAM group has the form <group>/<subgroup>/..., i.e. there is no leading /.

For example, the VOMS group /atlas/production becomes the IAM group atlas/production.

Roles differ in a more profound way: whereas a VOMS role is a distinct entity from a group, in IAM a role is simply a group with the specific labels wlcg.optional-group and voms.role. An optional group is included in an OAuth token or in a VOMS proxy only if requested.

For example, the VOMS group with role /atlas/Role=VO-Admin becomes the IAM optional group atlas/VO-Admin.

Groups and roles are imported in IAM only if not already present there.

Groups and roles can be created directly in IAM without any corresponding group or role in VOMS; those are not considered by the importer script.

Migration of users

Only active VOMS users are migrated. A user suspended in VOMS, may not be also suspended in IAM. Since IAM at CERN is also integrated with the CERN Human Resource (HR) database, the HR check will ensure that users are suspended/removed from the VO when experiment membership is no longer valid.

When creating a IAM account for a newly-discovered VOMS user, the importer script generates a username of the form voms.<voms-id>. There is an option to use the value of an attribute (e.g. nickname) from the user entry in VOMS, if available.

The script by default removes a user from groups (including roles) where they do not belong any more.

CERN SSO automatic linking

The importer script can be configured to automatically link the imported account to the CERN SSO identity in two ways:

  1. using the nickname VOMS account generic attribute
  2. resolving the CERN username from the CERN LDAP

Unique email address for users in IAM

VOMS allows different users to share an email address. IAM instead requires that each user has a unique email address.

The import script implements an email override mechanism, that maps a VOMS user id to another email address; however, a better approach would be to clean up the VOMS database in order to avoid multiple accounts sharing email addresses.

VOMS importer log

The importer script produces an auditing log, detailing the actions applied to groups, roles and users.

Last modified June 21, 2022: Review VOMS importer documentation (d0de8c0)