Handling SCIM response

IAM already supports a set of SCIM APIs based on the System for Cross-domain Identity Management standard. Starting from IAM v1.9.0, the API response to GET requests on user details (i.e. /scim/Me and /scim/Users) are extended with more information. All the new details are included into the IndigoUser field. To enable this feature, dedicated properties (or environment variables) must be used to maintain backward compatibility.

The list of information that may be included into the SCIM response are:

  • user’s autorities
  • set of user-managed groups
  • set of user’s attributes.


In order to include the list of user’s authorities (i.e. ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_GM:<group-uid>, etc.) into the SCIM response, one should set the following property (default is false):

  include_authorities: true

or the environment variable IAM_SCIM_INCLUDE_AUTHORITIES=true.

Then, an example of SCIM Me output for an administrator user is the following:

  "id": "73f16d93-2441-4a50-88ff-85360d78c6b5",
  "meta": {  ...  },
  "schemas": [
  "userName": "admin",
  "active": true,
  "urn:indigo-dc:scim:schemas:IndigoUser": {
    "oidcIds": [ ... ],
    "samlIds": [ ... ],
    "certificates": [ ... ],
    "authorities": [

Managed groups

In order to include the list of user-managed groups into the SCIM response, one should set the following property (default is false):

  include_managed_groups: true

or the environment variable IAM_SCIM_INCLUDE_MANAGED_GROUPS=true.

Then, an example of SCIM Me output for a group manager is the following:

  "meta":{ ... },
  "userName": "gm-user",
  "active": "true",
     "oidcIds":[ ... ]
     "samlIds":[ ... ],
     "endTime": "2024-08-06T02:00:00.000+02:00",


In order to include the list of user’s attributes, selected by attribute name, into the SCIM response, one should set the following property (default is false):

  - name: nickname
  - name: another-attribute-name

Then, an example of SCIM Me output for an IAM user is the following:

  "meta":{ ... },
  "userName": "tester",
  "active": "true",
    "oidcIds":[ ... ]
    "samlIds":[ ... ],
    "endTime": "2024-08-06T02:00:00.000+02:00",
    "endTime": "2024-08-06T02:00:00.000+02:00"

In this example the user has only one attribute, named nickname, so the second attribute (another-attribute-name) is not shown into the SCIM response.