Deployment with Docker

The IAM service is provided on the following DockerHub repositories:

The docker image tag corresponding to this version of the documentation is:


The IAM image has been tested to run properly with either Docker or Podman. The configuration for the IAM service container is the same but the details to run the container slightly differ. Differences are covered in the next sections. In both cases, it is highly recommended to enable SELinux for increased security.

Configuring the IAM service

Prepare an environment file that will contain the environment variables settings for the IAM service container. See the configuration reference for a description of the variables.

This environment file will be passed to the container with the --env-file option of the container engine. You can choose whatever file path/name you want.

Running the container


First create a Docker network for the IAM service with the command (the example uses the network name iam but you are free to use another name as long as you use the same one in the runcommand). It has to be done once (not at every restart of the container):

$ docker network create iam

When using Docker the IAM service is run starting container with the following command:

$ docker run -d \
  --name iam-login-service \
  --net=iam -p 8080:8080 \
  --env-file=/path/to/iam-login-service/env \
  -v /path/to/keystore.jks:/keystore.jks:ro \
  --restart unless-stopped \

Note: --restart is recommended if you want the IAM service to restart automatically when the server running Docker is restarted.

Check the logs with:

# Adapt the container name to the value you provided to --name in previous command
$ docker logs -f iam-login-service


When using Podman, the docker command must be replaced by podman with the following differences in options:

  • --restart is silently ignored as start/stop of the container at boot time is controlled with systemd (see Podman documentation, here).

  • You need to add option Z to third field of -v option so that the SELinux context type is properly managed and the use of the volume by another container is prevented.

  • Ensure that the directories containing the environment file and the keystore are labeled. It can be checked with stat command. If they are unlabeled use the following command to fix it:

    $ chcon -R -t default_t /path/to/directory

The required commands to start the container then become:

$ podman network create iam      # First time only
$ podman run -d \
  --name iam-login-service \
  --net=iam -p 8080:8080 \
  --env-file=/path/to/iam-login-service/env \
  -v /path/to/keystore.jks:/keystore.jks:ro,Z \
$ podman logs -f iam-login-service

Last modified July 28, 2022: Small fixes (ec75629)