Integration with RCAuth has been integrated with IAM in order to provide on-demand X.509 certificates to users without a certificate.
RCAuth is basically an online Certificate Authority, which issues certificates to end-entities based on a successful authentication to a Federated Identity Provider, operated by an academic or research organization.
In particular, it extends the OAuth/OIDC specification to include the following endpoints:
- GetCert, to retrieve an X.509 end-entity certificate
- GetProxy, to retrieve a RFC3820 Proxy Certificate chain
on behalf of the authenticated user.
IAM deployment
The basic configuration required on your IAM deployment to enable the integration of the service with RCAuth is
# Enable integration with RCAuth. Default to false
# Select the hostname of your certificate authority, e.g.
# A label for the certificate authority (not mandatory) online CA
# Id of IAM client registered on RCAuth
# Secret of IAM client registered on RCAuth
Client registration
An INDIGO IAM OAuth client has to be registered on the RCAuth service that will issue an X.509/proxy certificate.
For instance, in case of the demo RCAuth hosted at
one has to follow the next steps:
go to the Client Registration Page
that will be shown after a successful login with your institutional Identity Provider (e.g. the INFN AAI); -
fill the form with the details of your client. Important fields are
- Callback URLs: https://<iam-hostname>/rcauth/cb;
- Scopes: openid, edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy.getcert;
after the request has been submitted, the service will generate a client ID and secret that has to be set in the
environment variables respectively; -
wait for the manual approval of your client registration.
IAM user interface
The RCAuth issued certificate is listed in the X.509 certificates tab of the IAM homepage.
To add a new certificate click the Request certificate button.
The user will be redirected to the RCAuth instance to authenticate and give consent
for the generation of an X.509 certificate, which will be accessible by IAM.
Thus, IAM links the certificate to the user’s dashboard, as shown in the example below.
A long-lived plain proxy obtained by the linked X.509 certificate is automatically
stored into the IAM database.
This is shown in the IAM dashboard when the “Has managed proxy certificate”
string is set to true (as in the image above).
The proxy certificate can be downloaded from IAM using the Proxy certificate API.