Client registration

IAM has the ability to enable or disable the client registration, and to limit the registration to certain users. The default behavior is that anyone can register a client, even anonymous users.

To have control over the below properties using the environment variables, please check the Configuration section.

Disable client registration

In order to totally disable the client registration, set

    enable: false 

The client registration is enabled by default in IAM.

Specify who can register a client

In order to specify who can register a client, please set one among ANYONE, REGISTERED_USERS or ADMINISTRATORS such to limit to all, IAM users or administrators only the client registration


The client registration is enabled for anyone by default.

Default settings of a new client

For any newly registered client, the default value of the related access token, device code, ID token and refresh token lifetimes can be set trough the following properties

      # IAM default is 1 hour
      default-access-token-validity-seconds: 3600
      # IAM default is 10 minutes
      default-device-code-validity-seconds: 600
      # IAM default is 10 minutes
      default-id-token-validity-seconds: 600
      # IAM default is 30 days
      default-refresh-token-validity-seconds: 2592000

The above values can be changed per client trough web interface or API by an IAM administrator.