Specifications and useful resources
Specifications and useful resources for IAM development
The IAM is a Spring Boot Java application.
To build it, you will need:
You can check out the IAM code as follows:
git clone https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam.git
You can build the IAM packages with the following command:
mvn package
You will need:
You can start a development/testing environment with the following command:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
The docker-compose.yml file requires that you set some environment variables for it to run properly, mainly to provide OAuth client credentials for external authentication mechanisms (Google).
The setup also assumes that you have an entry in your DNS server (complex) or /etc/hosts (simpler) that maps iam.local.io to the machine (or VM) where docker is running, e.g.:
$ cat /etc/hosts
... iam.local.io
IAM JUnit integration tests can (and should) be run against mysql database.
To do so, boostrap the database instance with docker-compose:
docker-compose up db
And then run the tests with the following command:
mvn -Dspring.profiles.active=mysql-test test
To build the docker images for the iam-service and iam-test client, use the following commands:
sh iam-login-service/docker/build-prod-image.sh
sh iam-test-client/docker/build-prod-image.sh
These commands should run after war and jar archives have been built, i.e.
after a mvn package
For more details on the image build scripts see the following folders:
This project builds upon the following projects/technologies:
Specifications and useful resources for IAM development